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What is Meth?
How Meth Watch Works
Meth Watch Materials
For Retailers

Office of the Attorney General

How Meth Watch Works?

Communities across America plagued by methamphetamine usage and production are looking for effective and innovative ways to combat this growing problem.

Meth Watch is a program sponsored by the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA) and is designed to help curtail the theft and suspicious sales of pseudoephedrine products, as well as other common household products used in the illicit manufacturing of methamphetamine in small, toxic labs. A key goal of this program is to promote cooperation between retailers and law enforcement to prevent the diversion of legitimate products for illegal use.

Meth Watch was started in Kansas as a public-private partnership between the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, the Kansas Methamphetamine Prevention Project (part of the non-profit statewide drug prevention system), and Kansas retailers. As news spread of its success, several states began to adopt the Kansas model. Many more expressed interest, but were deterred by the lack of resources and know-how.

Through Meth Watch, retailers and law enforcement will help increase awareness about the diversion of legal products to the illegal manufacture of methamphetamine and will assist local communities in addressing the meth problem.


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